Digital design, a term used to define the different varieties of computer related skills, this includes work in fields such as web design, digital imaging and 3D modelling.
Another aspect of digital design in funtional modelling, this is a way to initaillay design what you want the desired outcome to be. I have used funtional modelling to design the outcome of my Website, this is a great way to prapare fpr your outcome. i used photoshop, this particualr software is also updated frequancy for a more smoother and richer experience as you use it and also for new features to be introduced, this is done by the Adobe company. This is similar to the way Microsoft Word and Excel are updated by the microsoft company. Please refer to Word processing spreadsheets on the navigation bar.
Here is a short tutorial on how i used Adobe photoshop to cunduct functional modelling. Please watch it in fullscreen 720p, remebr that i am using using a older version of photoshop (adobe photoshop elemnts 7 ) if you have a different version of photoshop then features may vary, nut if you follow the cursor and watch the tutorial carefully you will be able find the features in many other versions of photoshop.